Tree talk
Illustration, 125x125 cm (w/h)
Sailing Race
Illustration, 125x125 cm (w/h)
Water nymph dance
Illustration, 75x150 cm (w/h)
White swans, black swans
Illustration, 125x125 cm (w/h)
Illustration, 125x125 cm (w/h)
Lucky storks
Illustration, 125x125 cm (w/h)
Silent Bittern
Illustration, 125x125 cm (w/h)
Beautiful red in blue landscape
Illustration, 150x50 cm (w/h)
Beautiful red in blue
Illustration, 125x125 cm (w/h)
The wind is Divi Divi
Illustration, 70x50 cm (w/h)
Flamingo gobies
Illustration, 100x175 cm (w/h)
Beautiful red lady
Illustration, 125x125 cm (w/h)
Love is in the air
Illustration, 140x100 cm (w/h)
Flamingo quadruple
Illustration, 80x120 cm (w/h)
The eternal dream
Painting, 30x40x3.5 cm (w/h/d)
Nature blows
Painting, 30x40x3.5 cm (w/h/d)